Helpful resources to help kickstart your PocketQube journey!
Starting up?
Wanting to build a PocketQube but don’t know where to start? Below are links to different articles, files and more that will be useful to help you take your first steps on your PocketQube journey!
How to build a PocketQube Team
How to write software for Pocketqubes
7 Reasons why Independent schools should build PQs
Payload ideas for your PocketQube
Struggling to gain licensing for your PocketQube? Below is an article explaining why you need a license, how to license your PocketQube and more!
case studies
Below are a few case studies from previous Alba customers! These give a good insight into the variety of mission types PocketQubes can offer, a great starting point if you are unsure of what you want to do with your mission.
Budapest University of Technology & Economics (BME)
Previous talks and presentations
The PocketQube Conference is an annual event where PocketQube builders from all over the world gather to give talks and presentations, meet up with others in the industry and share their thoughts and ideas on how we can all grow and improve the PocketQube scene. Below are links to all the talks and slides available from previous years, with everything from 2023 coming soon!
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