Meet the PocketQube team: BME-1
July 28 2014
We have been talking to the some of the teams on the front line of the PocketQube revolution. This blog features Andras Gschwindt of the BME-1 team, a 1p PocketQube project from Hungary in eastern Europe. BME-1 is currently in the build phase and will hopefully get a launch in the not too distant future. The satellite will carry a small spectrum analyser, the first PQ to fly such a device.
BME-1 PocketQube Satellite
How did you hear about PocketQube?
I have seen a report from Prof Bob Twiggs (Morehead State University).
Tell us a bit about your PocketQube Project
After the success of Masat-1 (a 1U Cubesat launched on Vega a few years ago) which is a technological experiment, we decided to go further looking for new challenges. To do a smaller satellite platform and to put on an experiment too. This led to the 1P sized PocketQube called BME-1. BME is the shorted form of the Technical University of Budapest (Budapesti Műszaki és). We have a new student group and they are working on BME-1 with a lot of interest.
Masat-1: 1U Cubesat now in orbit
Where did the idea come from, what is the objective?
It is an old idea of mine to measure the man made electromagnetic pollution (electrosmog) above the Earth. Now, due to the high integration of the components its possible to realise a spectrum analyser on board as we call it 'Flying Aerial'.
What do you do outside building your PocketQube?
The daily task to operate Masat-1 and to introduce it for our sponsors and university students.
What does the future hold?
A lot of work .
What are your top tips for budding PocketQube builder?
To spend a lot of time to study what the other small satellite constructors made. The internet is an excellent background.
What is your definition of success?
To see the results of the first measurements from BME-1.
Got PocketQube ideas? Start your project today. If you found this interview interesting please consider sharing it :) Building a PocketQube, want to be featured on this blog? Get in touch. You can keep up to date with the BME-1 project via their website,
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